مشاريع الدفاع للصناعات العسكرية

About Us

Defense Enterprises for Military Industries is a leading manufacturer in the field of body armor and military clothing and accessories . Established in the year 1439 Hijri, the company embarked on a journey in the military industries sector to meet the needs of national security and proudly contribute to the realization of the Kingdom's Vision 2030. We specialize in the manufacturing of military equipment, providing integrated solutions and diverse designs that meet the aspirations and requirements of various military sectors. Our products are distinguished by the highest levels of quality and protection, adhering to international standards, with a focus on individual protective equipment.


In Defense Enterprises for Military Industries, we strive to be the leader in the military equipment manufacturing industry, placing innovation and excellence at the forefront to achieve a unique position in the advanced military industries sector. We also aim to enhance the readiness of our military equipment by providing innovative solutions that bolster national security and achieve self-sufficiency. Furthermore, we actively contribute to strengthening the national economy in accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, building a sustainable and robust future. We commit to continuous excellence and innovation, delivering effective and advanced solutions that address the challenges of the modern security environment. We firmly believe that achieving excellence in the military industries sector contributes to enhancing national competitiveness and solidifying our position as a key player in the technological innovation arena.


At Defense Enterprises for Military Industries, our Message is encapsulated in our commitment to delivering exceptional services and products distinguished by precision and innovation, with a complete focus on the requirements of Vision 2030 for the Kingdom. We specialize in providing Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) services and excel in advanced solutions in the fields of Body Armor, personal protection, military clothing and accessories. We earnestly strive to achieve excellence and enhance our leading position through the development of strategic partnerships based on innovation and precision in manufacturing. We firmly believe in the importance of cultivating a culture of excellence and strong partnerships to promote the growth of the military industry sector and achieve national security. Through the utilization of the latest technologies and innovation, we aim to achieve and surpass ambitious goals set for the localization of military capabilities.


  • Advanced Solutions:

We aim to provide advanced technological, security, and defense solutions for the security and military sectors within Saudi Arabia. We are committed to technological advancement to effectively meet the national security needs.

  • Local Self-Sufficiency:

Our primary goal is to achieve local self-sufficiency in delivering all individual equipment solutions. This starts from manufacturing raw materials to recycling products after their lifespan, whether through complete or partial local manufacturing, or through local industrial participation and partnerships.

  • 100% Localization:

We aspire to achieve 100% localization in production and supply operations. We believe in the importance of developing the local industry to achieve independence in individual equipment and promote the national economy.

  •  Development and Sustainability:

We prioritize growth and sustainability as core objectives, seeking sustainable development in the military industry sector. By committing to improving our environmental, social, and economic performance, we actively contribute to building a sustainable and robust future.


  • Trust:
We believe in the importance of our products in protecting our heroes, and therefore, we build and reinforce trust with end-users to achieve the best suitable solutions.
  • Innovation:
By providing the best and latest technologies and products in our field, and supporting local development in all its forms through manufacturing and research with our local and international partners.
  • Quality:
We strive to achieve the highest levels of quality in all products and services provided to the end-user.
  • Leadership:
Our company excels in leadership through innovation and quality in all its products at the local level, reaching global standards.
  • Efficiency:
We believe in the importance of industrial efficiency and consistently focus on increasing and expanding production capacities.
  • Integrity and Commitment:
We commit to efficiency and integrity in all our products, recognizing the role of products and their quality in protecting the beloved sons of the nation.
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